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Colin Hassard

Poet Colin Hassard


COLIN HASSARD is a poet from Banbridge, Co. Down. He was Runner-Up in the Seamus Heaney Award for New Writing in 2018 and shortlisted for the Aurivo North West Words Poetry Competition in 2019. As a spoken word poet, Colin has twice been Ulster Poetry Slam Champion, was joint winner of the Cursed Murphy Spoken Word Award in 2020 as well as a former winner of poetry slams at the Belfast Book Festival and Belly Laughs Comedy Festival. Colin has performed his work on Sky One and has written commissioned poems for BBC television and national adver-tisements. He was Writer-in-Residence for the Northern Ireland Human Rights Festival 2015, Poet-in-Residence for all three series of BBC Radio Ulster show Science & Stuff and has an ongoing creative residency with the Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts, Belfast.

Genre: Poetry
Number of publications: 1

In a collection that is clever, tender and funny his brave and beautiful poems of mourning will stay with you for a long time.

— Linda McKenna

Sample Work

Sample Poems From Age of The Microwave Dinner

Close To The Water

On a bright Sunday morning, with winter’s 
white skin sticking to places that should be green, 
we meet by the canal as almost strangers;
to build biographies around our names.

There is a purpose for all of this: the clomp of boots 
on the narrow towpath, the surge of water like static 
on a radio, how she twists the gold ring on her finger 
as if striving to find a familiar frequency. We stop
by the lock and observe the flow. She asks if I’m lonely. 

In a child’s drawing, we would be stick-figures speaking
in thought bubbles, and the water would be blue; 
the colour of serenity, loyalty, sincerity. But we know 
that beneath us are murky hues of olive and black. 

Yet the water could still cleanse us. A finger to assess 
the coldness. A hand. An arm. Persevere deeper until 
each shivering cell in our bodies is focused solely on survival. 
Only then can we rise from the trench determined 

to find purpose in the enduring flood of sadness.


You're There Now

You’re there now sitting on your old sofa
with the knitted rug & matching cushions
surrounded by jazz records & ideas
& on the wall are postcards & a map
of New York City & a calendar

& the coal bucket overflows with news
& the tea is brewed strong & the teapot
sits on a chopping-board & the room smells
of vanilla & sometimes cheese & the
book on the meaning of dreams is missing

& beside the door is a bicycle
& the door is open to let the breeze
circle the room & carry the off-key
notes out into summer & on Friday

you’ll relax in a warm bath of seaweed
carried in a sack from Connemara

& no-one cares about any of this
except those who remember what love is.


Article in The Duncairn , 2020

Article in The Irish News, 2020




Down by Colin Hassard

I'm Irish But... Colin Hassard

Potions & Elixirs


Age of the Microwave Dinner
Age of the Microwave Dinner Colin Hassard

Isbn: 978-1-907682-82-7 | Pages: 88 | Published: 2021

Age of the Microwave Dinner explores where we are as a society, along with universal themes of heartbreak, family, relationships, and death. Renowned for his thought-provoking work, these poems are infused with Colin’s unique perspective, humour and insight.
